Legal notices - Legal Notices

Legal information

The site, accessible at the URL address hereinafter the Site) is published by LYNART, a simplified joint stock company, whose head office is located at 15 Allée des Eiders, 75019 PARIS, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 909 934 606 and having the necessary powers as manager.

Email address:

The publication director is Mr. Lior BRAHAMI.

The site is hosted by the company Shopify whose head office is located at the following address: Ottawa, CANADA


BRAHAMI LYNART STORE makes every effort to offer users information, as well as available and verified tools. However, BRAHAMI LYNART STORE cannot be held responsible for a lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses or other logical infections on the Site.

The user of the Site acknowledges having read these legal notices and undertakes to respect them.

The user acknowledges using the information and tools available on the Site under their exclusive responsibility.

Protection of personal data

In accordance with current regulations, LYNART implements processing of personal data.

The Publisher informs the user of the implementation of processing of personal data concerning him, intended for authorized members of LYNART, as well as the Publisher and its subcontractors.

The user has a right of opposition, a right to limitation, a right of access, a right of rectification, a right to portability and a right to the erasure of its data.

The user also has the option of giving instructions to the Editor on the fate of their data after their death.

The Publisher may retain the personal data of non-customer users for prospecting purposes for a period of three years from their collection or last contact.

To exercise their rights, the user must send a letter to LYNART accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document including their signature to the email address or to the following postal address:

75019 PARIS

For any further information, you can contact the LYNART data protection officer at
The Publisher will respond as quickly as possible to the user's request provided that it is sufficiently precise and includes all the elements necessary to respond to it.

Intellectual property

The Publisher is the owner of the intellectual property rights of the Site taken as a whole, as well as of each of the elements which compose it taken independently (including, in a non-exhaustive manner: its graphic charter, its tree structure, its interfaces of navigation, its databases, newsletters, specific programs and developments, content including data, texts, articles, still or animated images, files etc.)
Any total or partial representation of the site or one of the elements which compose it without the express authorization of LYNART is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.
The databases appearing on the site are protected by articles L.341-1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code and any qualitatively or quantitatively substantial extraction or reuse of the content of the databases is punishable.
The brands and logos appearing on the site are trademarks registered by LYNART or by third parties. Any reproduction, imitation or use, total or partial, of these distinctive signs without express authorization and in violation of the prohibitions provided for in articles L.713-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code engages the responsibility of their author. The other distinctive signs, in particular the company names, trade names, signs, domain names reproduced on the site are the property of LYNART or third parties and any reproduction without express authorization is likely to constitute usurpation incurring the liability of its author on the basis of article 1240 of the Civil Code.


Users of the site cannot establish a deep link to this site without the prior written authorization of LYNART.

Consumer mediator

The consumer customer is informed of the possibility of resorting, in the event of a dispute relating to these general conditions, to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative method of dispute resolution.

To this end, the consumer customer is informed that he can contact a consumer mediator, after having first attempted to resolve the dispute amicably:


Applicable law

This Site is governed by French law.